Tuesday 8 March 2011

After filming and the lesson on 4/3/11

Sotiri and I had captured all of the footage that we needed for the opening to our sequence and we felt that it did go quite well.

After the camera being brought back into college at 9:00 am friday morning - during the lesson that we had second period, we uploaded the footage and some stills that we had captured and began to sort through and filter the footage that we had.

After doing this, we began to put some of this into the timeline and add the suitable effects and fades that were necessary.

Armando and I did the majority of this, and then sotiri, armando and myself discussed how we were going to edit all of the clips together so that the opening sequence will look good and be effective, appealing to the chosen genre(s) of our thriller.

Alex, coming into the lesson slightlty later then aided us with some more of the editing and effects on the timeline.

The lesson on the whole went pretty well and we did manage to achieve quite a good amount, although next lesson, we are really going to need to get into a new gear to make sure that this gets done.

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