Friday, 18 February 2011

The Door Soundtrack

This is the soundtrack that we plan to use in our opening sequence

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Friday 18th February

Today we need to:

  • Finalise the title graphics and effects
  • Get as many titles into the timeline possible
  • Take some footage of the map & pins and also some other stills (doors, numbers, locks, trying to open doors etc. - Test footage :-)
  • Upload music to blog, didnt work on tuesday
  • Decide on a filming date for after half term that we all agree on and that we will definitely all be able to do
  • Any sounds effects that we may need?
  • Find out if and how we can do a silhouette for our opening sequence
  • Lighting etc. consistency when filming
  • Props and costume, are we sure what we need?


After being unable to film again on Wednesday 16th February due to Sotiri not turning up with the remainder of our group ready for the initial part of yesterday's filming it leaves us unfortunately having to now film the majority of our opening sequence after half term. As we could neither to the bit of filming as a group or the film where him and we need to use Sotiri's house we still have these to do, but tomorrow we will film some of the sequence and do some stills during the lesson so that at least we have some footage and shots before the break over half term.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Testing Title sequence

Some more stills that we can put into our opening sequence - our digital storyboard

Some stills that we can put into our opening sequence - our digital storyboard



  1. Production logo
  2. Door image
  3. Titles
  4. Image/Video of map with pins to mark possible locations of criminal whereabouts
  5. Titles
  6. Corridoor
  7. Door Number images
  8. Titles 
  9. Map with pins
  10. Hand trying to open door - Close up
  11. Peep hole looking through door
  12. Titles 
  13. Pictures of map surrounded with keys
  14. Map with pins
  15. Swipe Card? - Close up
  16. Trying to open door - Close up
  17. Titiles
  18. Door Numbers
  19. Corridoor
  20. Titles
  21. Criminal walking through and into a house. - Silhouette with long shot of walking to the door, close up of hand opening the the door and medium close up for entering.


After seeking to get permission to use the travelodge as on of our filming locations, they declined and said that we would not be able to use the location which was a real disapointment after going in twice. We will now have to use a different location, i think that we will shoot a range of different stills of doors, corridoors and other close ups to put into our opening. We will obviously still be filming in cottenham on 16/2/11

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Story board Images

Here are the images drawn by Sotiri and created by Chris

Monday, 7 February 2011

Plan of action for lesson on 8/2/11

What we need to get done is:

• Totally finish the titles and get the effects sorted (Alex,Chris,Armando)

• Finish and photograph the storyboard of the opening sequence (Sotiri, Chris)

• Put photos from Fridays lesson on blog (Alex, Chris)

• Get the soundtrack for the sequence finalised (Chris, Sotiri)

• Search for images such as the map/plan that we will need for close ups etc. and other objects? (Alex,Armando)

• Decide on necessary props and costumes for both shoots (travelodge and cottenham) (All of group)

• Do shooting schedules for both locations (All Group)

Postponement of shoot on 7/2/11

We have decided to postpone our shoot today as we are not able to meet at the correct time and both have other work to be getting on with!

We will re-schedule the shoot tomorrow and also schedule filming for the travelodge providing we get permission!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Plan for video shoot on 7/1/11

Chris and Sotiri meet in cottenham at 16:30

Set up ready to film for 17:00

Have Costumes on and ready.

Begin filming the ending sequence to our thriller opening. 

Have the character (Chris) walk to and through the door. 

We will also shoot some close ups and extreme close ups while we are on site of others doors and keys etc.

Location 2

Alex will go and ask for the permission of using the travelodge for part of our filming next tuesday.  8/1/11

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

New Locations for our Opening sequence

For part of our opening sequence we will plan to use a location in Cottenham, which will be for the ending of the opening sequence, for a door and also for the filming of the close - ups of the plan searching for the door location.

Another location that we will use is the travelodge in cambridge as this will be a place that contains a number of long corridoor's and a variety of different doors that we can use for our clip.

We will plan to do close up's in travelodge, such as a number of different keys, people trying to open doors, swipe cards, keys going into locks, and also an extreme close up of a peep hole in a door.


The only costume will be worn by the character that is seen at the end of the opening sequence and he will be the only person in the sequence. We're thinking of having him as a silhouette and the audience wont see his face. He'll be wearing dark clothing and will hopefully build tension as he is going to be the main criminal within the film.

We plan to have this is thew last scene of our sequence as for the further narrative the door that is opened and passed through will be very important.


Tuesday, 1 February 2011

The latest opening sequence idea - 'The Door'

The new idea that we have for our new opening sequence is to have shots of a plan of possible locations of where to find the killer that is being tracked, there will be flashes to corridoor's and other doors while the titles are being over - layered.

At the end of the sequence we will show a character walking through a door, the door will close and the titles will appear. 'The Door' 

Music throughout the opening sequence - we will create subtle music that will appeal to the thriller and sub genre of mystery conventions